Team Stories

Why I joined Fathom: Jillian Ozses

Jillian Ozses
February 1, 2024

From time to time, Fathom invites recent hires to share their experience in deciding to join our team. In this blog, Jillian Ozses, Medical Coding Auditor, tells the story of her decision to join Fathom and make a difference in the world of healthcare.

Why did I join Fathom?

I found hope.

Previously, I was in a medical coding leadership role at a successful hospital system, where I spent most of my early morning hours playing "employee chess." In this unpleasant game, you move one person to cover an area but sacrifice the production of another. Each day was a struggle where our understaffed team had to find ways to finish a mountain of work. The applications for medical coders were few and far between. Whenever our team would brainstorm to try and find solutions, we kept coming up with the same ideas: working more overtime, hiring weekend coders, getting part-time coders, or outsourcing overseas.

I knew something needed to change, but how? And what exactly?

Scrolling through a coding website, I found a few articles about Fathom and the potential for AI in medical coding. I was intrigued that Fathom was combining deep learning technology with natural language processing to create a powerhouse AI medical coding solution.

Reading about Fathom was an epiphany moment for me. It made me aware of AI's powerful and overwhelmingly positive impact on the coding industry, like the ability to alleviate burnout, help coders elevate their knowledge, increase coding accuracy, and maintain consistent compliance. I was also attracted to the growth potential in a multi-specialty medical coding field.

I joined Fathom in December 2023 as a Coding Quality team member, and I feel incredibly grateful for my coding teammates. Every day, I am lucky enough to learn something new and achieve new goals while in a supportive environment. We get to work together toward one incredible, visionary goal while laughing and enjoying each other's company. And best of all, our work is critical in positively impacting patients, providers, and facilities.

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