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Autonomous coding and data integrity: Fathom featured in For The Record

Andrew Lockhart
August 28, 2024

For The Record is a trusted resource for industry professionals on the latest news and information that matters to HIM professionals and health care practitioners.

Fathom's CEO, Andrew Lockhart, dives into why accurate coding is fundamental to data integrity and how technologies like autonomous medical coding can help.

"On denials, there’s a lot of low-hanging fruit we find with clients just in terms of cleanly implementing coding guidelines and then systematically enforcing them. The second trend is overall denials are going up, and so the net impact is largely in the payer’s hands. But with automation, coding-related denials should certainly plummet. Lastly, there’s revenue uplift. By and large, humans tend to under code, particularly E/M [evaluation and management] levels, so switching to autonomous coding can not only increase coding accuracy and compliance but also result in pretty significant revenue uplift."

Read the full article from For The Record.

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