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AI-powered coding automation, the state of the art, and future direction: Fathom featured in HFMA

December 11, 2023

The Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA) helps its readers achieve optimal performance by providing the practical tools and solutions, education, industry analyses, and strategic guidance needed to address the many challenges within the US healthcare system.

Fathom's CEO, Andrew Lockhart, led an executive roundtable at HFMA's 2023 Annual Conference in Tennessee exploring what AI-powered coding automation can do for healthcare organizations and the opportunities and challenges that come with it.

"The low marginal cost of AI means that these solutions should be imminently testable. There is always setup cost and such, but make the vendors bet on themselves. Set conditions such that you have the optionality and don’t absorb costs, but if your criteria are met, the vendor has the contract."

Read the full write-up from HFMA.

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